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If you are looking for professional assistance to acquire a Business Intelligence solution then you have come to the right place.  We combine several years of BI deployment experience and practical managerial experience, all right from the trenches, to provide just the assistance you might be looking for. decision-i offers expertise in BI Strategy Definition, training in Data   Modelling for Business Intelligence as well as solution Design and Implementation using the  most acclaimed QlikView technology.

The Manager is Only as Successful as the Quality of his Decisions
Effective management requires consistently sound decisions that lead to desired outcomes. Timely, accurate, complete information ( valuable and actionable information)  is indispensable for sound management decisions.   Thus successful management hinges heavily on access to the right quality of information.  Business Intelligence is the set of technological tools, techniques and processes that can make such information easily accessible to the manager.  Business Intelligence is the brain fuel for the best possible decision at any more

Does Your Organization Need Business Intelligence?
Does your company consistently benefit from decision making process supported by timely, accurate, complete and actionable information in a manner that gives you any one or more of the following generic abilities? more

Who Needs Business Intelligence in the Organization?
In a competitive market with increasingly demanding customers and ever changing socio-economic environment, one size would definitely not fit all. Suppliers must be very quick to respond to changes in order to continue meeting customer demands. This calls for nimbleness in decision making at every level of the more

How Can Your Company Obtain Business Intelligence Capability?
More often than not, managers have to combine information about multiple aspects of the business in order to take actionable decisions in pursuit of desired results. However the process requires a different set of disciplines and skills from what most companies have in their more

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